Towards Ecological Conservation & Sustainability




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About Econsus

Econsus Environmental Solutions LLP was established 05-08-2016 with the aim to provide sustainable solutions for industries and services for environment related projects.


What We Do

Biodiversity Assessment

Complete study of flora & fauna including management and conservation plan.

Carbon Sequestration

Evaluation of green cover in terms of carbon storage, detailed reporting for industries including GIS/RS study

Scientific Designing of Greenbelt

Qualitative & Quantitative assessment of plantation around industries including suggested designs for improvement (by certified MoEF&CCexpert)

Restoration of degraded landscapes & plantation projects

Rejuvinating dumping sites, afforestration, revival of native floral species

Habitat Improvement Plan

Detailed report on developing areas suitable for native fauna, improvement of existing green pockets

Theme-based gardens/ landscape designing

Developing ideas for greenspace in and around urban areas including various themes to attract public attention

Seminars & Workshops

Environment awareness & Educational activities

GHG emission accounting

Scientific documentation of GHG emissions/ carbon emission based on ISO 14064 standard and developing roadmaps to achieve carbon neutrality

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